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Tuesday, October 30, 2012
reviewing everything for a few minutes
A few basic learning strategies can help you in your carreer or business. They also can make you the person who always has something interesting to say. You CAN learn more efficiently. Just use a few of the following techniques until they become habit.
Create Anticipation and Curiosity
You learn more effectively with curiosity and anticipation working for you, but how do you create this state of mind? One way is to end each learning session with a question or two clearly in your mind. This creates the sense of anticipation and curiosity that will help you next time you study. It's like a TV show going to a commercial at an interesting moment in the program. You want to stay tuned, to see what happens next,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots.
Prepare To Learn
When you want to learn new material, expose your mind to it as soon as possible, before you even feel "ready," or have time to study. The first stage of learning is the part where you look at new ideas and say, "huh?" Do this quickly, however, reviewing everything for a few minutes, and your unconscious mind will start "incubating" the new concepts, and finding some way to organize them.
Relate What You Know To The New Knowledge
When you sit down to study new material, relate it to what you already know. Compare and contrast things, saying to yourself, "That's like...," or "How is that different from..." Autoresponders were new to me when I started my newsletters, but the concept sunk in and motivated me when I thought, "It's like someone doing all my addressing and mailing for pennies a day." This prompted the important questions, and I was ready to learn.
Use Your Imagination
Changing your perspective is one of the great learning strategies. For example, study with the idea in mind that you will be teaching what you're learning. As you study something, imagine how you'll teach it. This is a powerful way to get a good grasp on new information.
Also imagine how you'll use what you are learning. There's so much information, and so little of it is the truly "important stuff." But by imagining how you'll use the new information, you tend to automatically focus on the things you really need to know.
Take Breaks
You can learn more by working less. The research shows that we remember best what we study first and last in a given session,if the shopkeeper next door is always grouchy at people. So, by taking breaks, you create more "sessions," and increase the number of firsts and lasts. Move around during your breaks, as this can also keep your mind fresh.
Finding Time
What if it took no extra time to learn a new language,whereas frustration and irritability seem more acceptable, take a negotiating course, or study something new and interesting? Start using the dead-time in your day, the time sitting in your car, or on the bus, or in a waiting room. Almost any public library has hundreds of books on tape, and you can even instantly download books on the internet.
This is one of the most under-utilised and easiest learning strategies. If your job is 25 minutes away you spend 200 hours per year sitting in your car going to or from work. Could you learn something useful if you had four hours per week of audio instruction for a year? The only extra time it takes is a few minutes to stop by the library.
Of course,5 Wealth Affirmations To Attract Unlimited Abundance by Michael Lee, almost nothing works just by reading it. Why not scan the list above and start using one or two of these learning startegies ?
Monday, October 29, 2012
Am I hurting anyone in this process
Making changes in your personal life can be a tough process. Change starts with a thought. It cannot begin without one. However, what we think and dream is not always what those around us choose to envision for us.
Why do I bring this up,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots? Because I know first hand that when people try to make changes there are often nay-sayers hanging around. There will always be people expressing their negative responses as reasons why you can't do something that you dream. BUT this is never a reason to not try,and the vision to see beyond the storm!
Here are some questions to ask yourself-- and hold dearly to,kind and respectful toward everyone I meet!!! :
What is my new goal?
Why do I want this?
How will it alter my life for the better?
How will it benefit those around me?
How will I become a better person through this change?
Is that a result I desire?
Is this goal attainable?
Is this goal reasonable?
How can this goal be broken down into tiny steps?
Can I accomplish the first of these steps,can enable us to develop personal change-coping tactics.?
Is that a reasonable thing to choose to do?
Am I hurting anyone in this process (directly or indirectly)?
You never need to turn the power of your life over to another human being. You are created to be a unique individual. You were not put here to fulfill anyone else's plans, dreams, or goals. No one has the right to design your life unless you turn over and abdicate your own power to another person.
Dare to dream.
Risk to follow the dream.
And find your true authentic self along the way.
Until next time - all the best,
Saturday, October 27, 2012
but are not 100% sure. It could be their body is going through something else.
Many women think they are going through premautre menopause, but are not 100% sure,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots. It could be their body is going through something else.
That is why every woman needs to understand important information about this so you can more easily determine if this is what you are dealing with.
First it is important to understand that premature menopause when a woman experiences symptoms of menopause at an early age. For some women it can be as early as 40 and for others it can be even earlier like when you are in your early 30s.
Most women on average won't experience menopause until the age of 50 but there are women that do experience it early. Basically any woman that experiences symptoms of menopause earlier than 50 is said to be experiencing early menopause.
There are many causes to early menopause that you need to be aware of. For some women it is a genetic problem. Other women experience it because of a medical operation that they had to go through.
Autoimmune diseases are another reason that some women experience menopause earlier than they should. You want to talk to your doctor about this so they can help you determine what is causing your early menopause symptoms,Marcasite jewellery or big black beads will add a striking accent to your wedding dress. They will also be able to help you get relief from the symptoms you are experiencing.
Most women that deal with early menopause will stop having their monthly period. If you just stop your period altogether talk to your doctor about it because this is a good sign your body is going through the changes of menopause earlier than it should.
To tell you if you are dealing with menopause early there are many symptoms that you want to watch for. Here are some of the most common ones to watch for.
- Night sweats
- Lack of sex drive
- Trouble with sleeping
- Vaginal dryness
- Bladder control loss
- Difficulty concentrating; feeling disoriented or confused
- Mood swings
- Hot flashes
These are just the most common symptoms but not all of them so be sure to find out all of the symptoms so you can watch for them.
There are some good ways to deal with early menopause to help you relieve your discomfort. Eating healthy and exercising are two of the biggest things you can do,If you've ever been troubled by the appearance of unwanted hair in your bikini region. Also stay away from caffeine, alcohol and other foods and beverages that can cause your symptoms to flare up.
You will have a much easier time determining if this is what you are going through now that you know this important information about premature menopause,you will be happy to enjoy the summer with a fast and easy. Talk to your doctor because they can be a big help for you during this time in your life.
Friday, October 26, 2012
The elegant beauty of a strand of pearls has fascinated brides for centuries. People believe that wearing pearls on their wedding day will bring bliss to their marriage.
Pearls are classic wedding jewelry. How do you choose that perfect pearl necklace?
Here are some tips:
There are four types of pearls: Akoya, Tahitian, South Sea, and freshwater. Akoya, Tahitian and South Sea pearls grow in oceans. They are more valuable than freshwater pearls for their rarity and high luster.
Akoya pearls are the most popular. These pearls are valued for their rich color, mirrorlike finish, and appealing roundness.
As with any other gemstones, the value of pearls is determined by their quality.
A pearl's quality can be A, AA, AA+, AAA, AAA+. The last two, AAA and AAA+ pearls, have the best quality and they are most valuable,however. For pearls of the same size, an A' quality pearl necklace costs only a small fraction of AAA quality pearl necklace. [
The quality and value of pearls are based upon six criteria: luster, nacre, surface, color, shape, size and matching. The educated buyer uses his or her preferences to decide which criteria are most important.
Nacre: Most buyers of pearl jewelry pay most attention to the pearls' nacre thickness. Nacre is the coating that a pearl oyster produces to cover the pearl's nucleus; it is the key to how long pearls last. You should look for pearls with nacre thickness over 0.4mm,you will ensure that you get a perfect formal do that will be the envy of the party..
Luster and Surface: Luster is the amount of light reflected from the pearl's surface. A strand of pearls with high luster, mirror finish and clean surfaces is most desirable and valuable.
Color: It is a personal choice,Many work at home moms are freelancers. If you have writing experience and skills. Consider buying a pearl necklace whose color will complement your clothing and your skin tone.
Size: The price of pearls that are larger than 7mm varies greatly. People usually buy the largest pearls they can afford.
Shape: Round pearls are most desirable and valuable.
Matching: For a pearl necklace or bracelet, matching refers to the ways in which all of the pearls are similar. It is difficult to find enough identical pearls to make a well-matched pearl necklace; therefore such a necklace commands a top price.
After you have decided the type, color,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots, size and quality of pearls that you want, think about your budget. Take your time to shop around and find that perfect pearl necklace for your wedding day!
Copyright: 2004 by Yan Berry
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
assuming unwanted roles such as caretaker
The mid-life phenomenon known as menopause and the stresses of anxiety go hand in hand. Panic attacks, rushes of energy, burning in the chest, unusual vibrations throughout the body, and warm sensations are some of the physical effects you may feel under this condition.
When menopause hits, there is a greater chance women will go through anxiety and depression. Christian Northrop talks about this phenomenon in her book, Wisdom of Menopause, where if a woman has repressed something in her life, she won't be able to get past menopause employing the same tactics. For example, unexpressed anger will find its way out and sometimes in unusual or uncomfortable ways.
In what is often referred to as a ¨midlife crisis,¨ this time of life forces women to re-evaluate themselves and the role(s) they play as they are getting older. And, often times we are not comfortable with what we find. A little voice in the back of our head is saying, If you don't make changes now you never will! Our hormonal imbalances (due to decreased estrogen levels) can contribute to feelings of depression or make us feel plain 'indifference.' Even if menopause isn't actually causing these conditions, it can heighten underlying anxiety and bring it to the surface.
Anxiety is an individual's prolonged feeling of dread and worry with no particular reason behind it. It's uncomfortable and causes stress particularly on the body. It can be triggered by problems in everyday life like paying the bills and work. Although worrying about these things for a normal person has its ceiling of severity, menopausal women suffering from anxiety tend to think about their problems excessively.
When anxiety finally hits its highest peak, it is often called a panic attack. Panic attacks are debilitating episodes of fright and fear that include chest pains, fear of death, and shaking. In what is called being ¨psychosocially¨ depressed, women have negative beliefs and attitudes in regards to getting older, assuming unwanted roles such as caretaker, and responding negatively to impatient husbands who might demand sex.
Being depressed during the duration of this condition has a lot to do with their overall psychological well-being prior to menopause. Women who have continuous anxiety and depression beforehand are more likely to suffer worse cases of anxiety during this latter phase of life. If life-long imbalances have not been healed, menopause may exacerbate the situation. We might feel unable to perform ¨female duties¨, contributing to feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. Research has found that consistent regular physical activity (i.e. exercise) before menopause has been scientifically proven to lessen the possibility of anxiety symptoms during this transition. It's also helpful to avoid drinking caffeine-loaded liquids, sleep deprivation, and stimulant use.
Psychiatric consultations are highly recommended for anxiety sufferers under menopause. An experienced counselor and/or therapist can help us recover and evaluate our lives including healing emotional imbalances. It is a great time to refocus our attention toward new activities and roles. As is common with anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, fright, and even suicidal tendencies can occur. In this case, antidepressants may be prescribed. Coping with all of the physical changes, assuming new roles, possibly facing many of our fears for the first time, and generally waking up to the fact that ¨life just isn't what it used to be¨ are all realizations that contribute to anxiety in older women. In these times, it is important to maintain focus and concentrate on the positive things in life. Although it can be hard, it can be done.
Having a plethora of life responsibilities and obligations during menopause can create stress, and having an ´excess´ of this stress can cause adrenal fatigue. Anxiety in menopause sufferers results from hormonal imbalances. In the menstrual cycle, ovulation causes progesterone (which has soothing effects on the mind and body) to be released,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots. Irregular cycles are grounds for anxiety build-up, as a result of the lack of this ¨happy hormone.¨ All of these conditions can be treated with alternative therapies such as natural progesterone cream.
But why do some women go through menopause and barely notice a difference? One consensus among medical doctors theorizes that it has a lot to do with women's self-esteem and self-confidence. One thing is for sure, if you are having trouble with either of these, you'll get a chance to deal with them now. One thing menopause is great at, and that is bringing out our unresolved issues. And we all know how anxious that can make us.
The information in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Finding the Perfect Spring Designer Wedding Gown
While many brides long for the quintessential June wedding, a Spring wedding is just as beautiful and is gaining in popularity over any other season. Perhaps it is because spring arrives with a sense of new beginning and renewal, or perhaps it is just the beautiful weather and flowers that are common during that time of year,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots. Either way, a Spring wedding requires attention to detail in every aspect, especially the wedding gown.
Brides should remember that spring is the perfect season to unveil new styles for the hair, the wardrobe, and yes, even the wedding. It is also the perfect time, because of the warmer weather, to wear fewer layers, and this also applies to designer wedding gowns. The spring is a great time to experiment with new hemlines, fabrics, and patterns. Check out the latest trends for designer wedding gowns for a Spring wedding.
A Little Prep
Of course when one thinks about the springtime, one may immediately think about flowers. But if you are a little less girly and want to get away from the floral accents why not think about some preppy details for your designer wedding gown? A simple gingham ribbon trim on your wedding gown can do the trick simply and elegantly. The same goes for a hint of polka dots. If you want a bolder look with a preppy touch, go for a pleated bodice or a patterned sash for the waist.
Fun with Flowers
If preppy is not your cup of tea, and spring means flowers, then the sky is certainly the limit. A Spring wedding is the perfect time for a true garden party, so why not incorporate that theme into your dress? More and more wedding dress designers are embellishing their spring wedding dress designs with flowers. Flowers can be 3-dimensional floral buds embroidered onto the gown, sewn on accents, or even a print on the fabric. Nature-inspired dresses often bring about an air of whimsy to any style dress.
Cool Cover-Ups
Yes, spring brings warmer weather than its predecessor, but don't be fooled by all that bright happy sunshine. Remember the age-old saying, April showers bring May flowers? These rain showers in spring cause temperatures to drop at night. Many brides go for the traditional silk wrap to keep warm in the cooler temperatures, but this spring, think about a cool cashmere cover-up or cardigan. Something with three-quarter length sleeves would be a modern look with a classic feel.
Sheer Fabrics
The Spring season is light and airy. You can also achieve a light and airy feeling with your choice in wedding gown. Chiffon, organza, and charmeuse are great alternative fabrics to the heavy satin and silks used for fall and winter weddings. Imagine the romantic setting as a cool spring breeze gently wisps your chiffon train as you make your way down the aisle. A sweet spaghetti-strap organza dress is also a great way to celebrate your nuptials during your outdoor wedding and reception. Really dress to the season!
High Hemlines
Although you can stick to the traditional long wedding gown for your spring wedding, higher hemlines are in for this season. And why not, the weather is warmer and your legs will definitely enjoy the freedom while you live it up on the dance floor! A higher hemline on a spring wedding gown does a great job showcasing your tanned legs. If you are more daring bride, skip the tea-length gown (which is still fun and flirty) and go for a true mini dress that flatters your figure.
Finding the Perfect Spring Designer Wedding Gown
No matter which trend you choose to go with for your spring wedding, just be sure that you try on a plethora of gowns in that style. Buying a wedding gown is a not a quick decision, as this will be the most important dress of your life. Before you make it to the bridal salon, it is a very good idea to flip through some of the latest bridal magazines to narrow down your choices and to show the store's associate when you arrive. That way, he or she will have an idea of what you like and then take it from there.
When shopping for a designer wedding gown, it is also important to remember that the more you try on, the better idea you will have about which dress style, neckline, and trend work for you. Even if the sales associate suggests a dress style you did not prefer in pictures, you may find that when you try it on, it really does flatter your figure and look great.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
in sunlight
Today, we live in an increasingly self-conscious world, one in which it is easy to become obsessed with how we look. Looking younger seems almost to be a national obsession.
Increasingly, wrinkles are regarded as unwanted facial characteristics,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots. Newer and more potent treatments and drugs vie for our attention; claiming that they will reduce wrinkles and give us a more youthful appearance.
Why do most anti-aging treatments and surgeries focus on the face and neck as the area for enhancement? This is because usually the face and neck most clearly betrays the effect of passing time.
Being one of the most "exposed" parts of our body to the surrounding environment, the face reflects the ravages of time quite faithfully. Havent you noticed that you can very accurately estimate the age of a person merely by looking at their face?
Even babies are born with this skill they can differentiate between the face of an adult and a child.
There are very clear biological and environmental factors behind the maturing of our faces and wrinkles. As a person grows older, the shape of their cranium actually changes.
The skin tends to become darker with the passage of years. Also, it loses its elasticity and becomes less flexible.
Not only that, it becomes rougher but also more leathery. Various blemishes and discolorations appear on the skin. Not only is an aging face betrayed by lines and wrinkles, it also plays host to pouches and folds.
The pores of our skin appear wider, bags appear under the eyes and the very skin appears to sag. These conditions can often result in a double chin.
Many consider the above conditions unsightly. The sight of facial wrinkles and sagging chins is enough to send some of us rushing to the nearest plastic surgeon or botox treatment.
May be a better strategy should be to look into the reasons behind the appearance of wrinkles. Only then we can understand this process and attempt to actually reverse it.
Most experts will cite photo damage or sun damage as the primary reason behind wrinkles. This is because the suns rays can very easily penetrate the skins surface. These rays can actually physically destroy the delicate tissues of our skin, leading to wrinkles.
Although sun tanning is a very fashionable activity, research indicates that this could lead to earlier and also deeper wrinkles.
You might think that tanning, burning, and peeling is the only damage the sun can cause. These are, in fact, only the more apparent and superficial effects of sun damage.
-- The Deeper Ravages of the Sun --
Sunrays can cause much damage to the deeper layers of the skin. This is because Ultra Violet rays (in sunlight) have different bandwidth. UV rays and can actually penetrate much deeper into our skin.
Darker skin tones tend to be much less vulnerable to skin burns. However, in the way they respond to wrinkles because of sun damage is not very different. Apart from wrinkles, the sun also causes dryness of skin and the manifestation of age spots all signs of a skin struggling to survive the challenges of time.
Studies show that most age related wrinkles start appearing around the age of 27. This also depends on a number of factors apart from the environment like...
facial habits
- genetic inheritance and
- skin care regimens.
Biologically, wrinkles are caused by the breakdown of the collagen and elastin fibers. These fibers lie beneath our skin and which give it its flexibility and firmness.
Ultra violet rays contribute to the damage of skin fibers. What follows is when stretched, our skin is no longer capable of "snapping" back. This helps lead to wrinkles.
Gravity is also an acknowledged culprit in this game. It constantly pulls our skin downwards and causes it to sag over a period of time. This is especially visible on the face and neck and on our upper arms.
Cigarette smoking is another cause for early wrinkle formation. Scientists are not sure of the reason behind this, but studies have consistently shown that smokers are far more susceptible to wrinkle damage than non-smokers.
This is even evidenced when both smokers and nonsmokers belonged to the same age group. In these test groups participants exposure to the sun had been similar and their complexion was of similar types. The smokers experienced more wrinkles in their skin. Scientists suppose that this might happen because of the damage that the cigarette smoke causes to elastin.
Other factors which have been proposed to explain the formations of wrinkles like hormone loss as we age. Free radicals are said to attack our skin. Certain areas of our facial skin reflect age much earlier. Is the case especially in areas around our eyes and lips and our foreheads.
This is because our skin repeatedly folds around these regions. Our skin actually "remembers" our habitual expressions and over time. It gets permanently folded accordingly.
Botox injections have proven especially effective when these specific facial features have been targeted.
Some over the counter formulas are now available to help in the fight against the ravages of time. Rejuvinol, available at , may be one of these products. It is a unique nutrient-rich moisturizer that nourishes, tones and rehydrates for firmer, more resilient skin. Skin is protected from oxidation (aging), sun and environmental damage. It contains Hyaluronic Acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body, is one of the most effective moisturizing agents available.
When it comes to looking younger today, we owe it to ourselves to use everything in our arsenal to stave off the ravages of time.
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Timeless Health and Fitness Tips for 2006. Discover the newest trends at the Fit After Forty Blog. Find them at...
Article courtesy of Kamau Austin, All Rights Reserved
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Even women are quite prone to type 2 diabetes. This disease happens in obese women. In fact
Nowadays women are quite alert about the kind of diseases they can get. They are now getting some tests done to prevent diseases. Any late detection can cause death and serious implications.
Cholesterol is a factor which has been perturbing women since many years. Women who have higher levels of bad cholesterol in their diets can get heart disease. So, the incidence of this disease can be found by doing a lipid profile.
Even women are quite prone to type 2 diabetes. This disease happens in obese women. In fact, the blood glucose can be measured after two hours have elapsed since breakfast had been consumed. Now, the vulnerability to this disease decides the frequency of the tests. Frequency of the tests can be as high as 2 years after the age of 45 if the woman is fit. But, this frequency can be higher when the woman is not fit and has disease running in the family.
Osteoporosis is an ailment that affects a large number of women. This ailment makes the bones of a woman quite weak. It happens due to bone loss. This bone loss happens in any woman after the occurrence of menopause. So, the right test which can help in the detection of this ailment is Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. When the ailment osteoporosis is detected, it can help in avoiding any kind of bone fractures caused due to it. I fact, all kinds of women whose ages are more than 65 years, should opt for this test. This test should also be done by women who are not 65 yet if they have such disease in the family.
Colorectal cancer can also happen in a woman. So, colonoscopy can be done to find the occurrence of this ailment. This ailment can be detected by using both the camera and a tube which is poked inside the rectum. The screening tests for this ailment can be done after a woman has turned 50 years old. Another kind of test which can be used to reveal this ailment is sigmoidoscopy which only involves checking the downwards colon section.
Glaucoma can also have serious affects for women. This ailment can also cause blindness when optic nerve is completely destroyed. People who are more than 50 years old can get this disease. It can also happen when there is a legacy of this disease. Even consumption of steroids can cause it. It's important that women who are fit should have done the tests after every two years. For people, who are between 40 to 54 years of age should have the tests conducted after one or 3 years,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots. The frequency of tests can be more when the age of the woman is between fifty five to 64. The frequency can be as high as 6 months to 1 year for women who are aged more than 65.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Is Sex Safe During Pregnancy
It is important that you nourish your relationship as much as your nourish your unborn child during pregnancy. Most women find that their bodies grow large and unwieldy during pregnancy. Many women are surprised to find that their sex drive actually increases during pregnancy, particularly during the second trimester. This is due to the increased amount of blood that is coursing through your pelvis and vagina.
Is Sex Safe During Pregnancy?
Sex is safe during pregnancy provided you have a low risk pregnancy with few complications. Your doctor will let you know if you should avoid sex for any reason at all. Most women can enjoy a healthy and fulfilling intimate relationship throughout their pregnancy, right up until their delivery date.
Will I Enjoy Sex During Pregnancy?
Surprisingly, many women find that they are more sexually aroused during their second trimester than they were prior to pregnancy. The increased blood flow to the vaginal and a woman's growing bosom often results in a heightened sense of self and sexual arousal.
Most women will shy away from sexual relations during their first trimester when morning sickness and fatigue often get in the way of love making. During the third trimester, some women find themselves uncomfortably large and prefer not to be intimate, whereas others continue having intercourse right up until they go into labor.
Will Sex Hurt the Baby?
One of the most common concerns of fathers to be is that sex will hurt the baby. Some men are afraid that they will bump into the baby when they have sex. By and large however this concern is unfounded. If your husband is overly concerned about having sex during pregnancy, have him join you at your prenatal visits. A little reassurance from your physician that he will not hurt or bump into the baby may be all your husband needs.
Partners often react very individually when it comes to sex and pregnancy. While some men find the site of their wife's blossoming body a true turn on, others are ambivalent or even a little turned off by pregnancy. It is important that you are open, honest and communicative with your partner about your needs during pregnancy, and try not to take any emotions your partner may be feeling personally.
Remember that pregnancy is often an emotional roller coaster, and your husband or partner may be more concerned that you might react differently, or may be scared of the idea of having a family in general,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots. Some men have a difficult time being intimate with their wives even when they recognize that they will not harm the baby, because they feel another presence is in the room.
That said, many men and women have remarkable sexual relationships throughout their pregnancy. Even if you do not engage in intercourse with your husband, it is important that the two of you work on nurturing your relationship throughout your pregnancy. Foot rubs, kissing, back rubs and holding hands are all excellent ways to share some intimacy without actually engaging in intercourse.
The best way you can ensure that you and your partner remain close during your pregnancy is to check in with your partner on occasion. Inform them of your needs, let them know where you are coming from and what you need or want from them.
If you and your partner are interested in maintaining a healthy sexual relationship during pregnancy, then undoubtedly you must be wondering what positions will work best for you as your belly grows and expands. The best thing you can do during your pregnancy is keep an open mind and be creative. Most women will find that it is uncomfortable to enjoy sex in a missionary position after about the first or mid second trimester. Try flipping over, woman on top and even lying next to one another during your pregnancy.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
These hair accessories are of different varieties and styles. They come in various colours
Everyone wants to look beautiful and attractive. But all are not born with that beauty,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots. We can at least try to look nice and smart. We can put some effort to change our look for the better. There are various types of accessories. Wig is also considered as a hair accessory. Generally, people with thin hair or bald head wear wigs. But there are also cases in which people wear wigs to get a different look. During Halloween, people wear different colourful and weird costumes and wigs. The purpose is to look different. These fake hair pieces are also a part of social standard and prestige in some parts of the world. In the past, kings and people of higher social standards used to wear wigs as it indicates social prestige and standard. Even, today in some parts of the planet people use wigs for the same purpose.
These hair accessories are of different varieties and styles. They come in various colours, such as pink, white blue, yellow and more. They are made of different materials. Before selecting one wig, you need to check whether it is made of quality materials or not.
Men and women, both wear wigs to cover their bald heads. Baldness looks odder in women than men. It is the most common reason why ladies war wigs. They try to cover their thin hair or bald head with wigs. Apart from that, there are many other reasons for which women wear wigs.
Today, wigs are designed with great effort. They look natural and almost same to the original hair. Women find it easy to war these false hair pieces, as they fell like their own natural hair. There are various kinds of wigs with various designs and style. There are certain factors that you need to consider while buying a wig. Quality is off course an important issue. Budget also plays an important role. If you can afford, it is better to opt for a branded fake hair piece, as it is made of quality material.
Wigs are available in any hair length, such as medium, super short, medium, medium short, long and medium long. You can also find wigs in different attractive colours. Some ladies love to match the wigs with the colour of their hair, while others select wigs of different colours. Wigs are available in a colour with a nice and natural highlight, in all over colour and a colour with noticeable highlights.
Cancer patients lose hair due to chemotherapy. Special wigs are available for them. Before opting for one, you need to make it sure that they are created from good quality materials.
There are a number of reputed and reliable stores where you can get good quality wigs. Women`s wig solutions, The Madison are two of the well-know wig stores. They offer a number of great quality fake hair pieces at affordable prices. Many teen aged girls and fashionable women love to try fun wigs to get a different look. Vogue wigs are of great quality. These items are available in affordable prices.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Raw eggs like raw meat
Many women have questions about the types of food that are safe to eat during pregnancy. It is actually easier to discuss the types of foods you should avoid during pregnancy than it is do discuss the foods that are safe to eat.
There's a lot of food to avoid during pregnancy because they may be harmful to you or your developing baby.
Food To Avoid During Pregnancy
Deli and Processed Sandwich Meats these meats might be contaminated with Listeria, a potentially deadly bacteria that can result in miscarriage or even a stillbirth. While listeria is relatively harmless to most ordinary people, it can be life threatening for your unborn baby. Pregnant women are more susceptible to listeria because of their lowered immune system. If you want to eat deli meats, be sure that you cook them until they are steaming hot, which will help kill any bacteria that might be present.
Raw meats much lie deli meats, raw meats should be avoided because they can carry bacteria that are harmful for both mother and baby.
Certain types of fish while most fish is healthy, there are certain kinds of fish that contain high levels of mercury, which is harmful for your unborn baby's brain. Consuming too much mercury during pregnancy can result in developmental problems and even brain damage. The types of fish that contain the highest levels of mercury include: swordfish, shark, king mackerel, tuna, sea bass and tilefish.
Raw eggs like raw meat, raw eggs have the potential to carry bacteria, particularly salmonella. Believe it or not raw eggs are in a number of various products including some forms of Caesar dressing, mayonnaise and even ice cream. If you are uncertain about whether or not something you are eating contains raw eggs, avoid it unless you can find out for certain whether or not it is harmful.
Unpasteurized soft cheeses some chesses that are imported also have the potential to carry life threatening Listeria if they are not pasteurized,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots. The most common types of cheese that carry this risk include certain forms of Brie, Camembert, feta, Gorgonzola and Mexican cheeses like queso. If these cheeses are pasteurized however they should be safe to consume.
Unpasteurized milk or juices remember that any type of milk product or juice that has not been pasteurized has the potential to carry Listeria and other bacteria that may be harmful for you and your baby during pregnancy.
You should also avoid alcohol during your pregnancy. There is no known safe amount of alcohol that can be recommended during pregnancy. There are numerous fetal abnormalities and birth defects as well as developmental problems that have been associated with alcohol use during pregnancy. Alcohol should also be minimized or avoided during breastfeeding, because it can pass through the breast milk.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
They work.
A couple of weeks ago, I watched a Sex and the City episode, in which Charlotte, in her never-ending quest to find true love, attends a seminar to teach her how to do just that.
She drags Carrie along, who scoffs at the whole thing. She thinks both the women who got sucked into attending and the seminar leader are sad and ridiculous.
To attract the right men, the crowd is counseled to use affirmations, which Carrie finds preposterous. These suckers actually think they're going to meet guys by reciting a string of useless words!
During the presentation, Charlotte raises her hand to ask the leader a question. She says something like, "I've been using my affirmations, but I still haven't found the right one."
Slightly annoyed, the leader says, you have to get out there, you have to love yourself, and so on.
Carrie grabs the mic from Charlotte and insists, "She is out there."
The leader says something, but Carrie drowns her out, "She is out there."
As far as Carrie's concerned, the seminar is a scam. There are probably no decent men left on the planet. The good ones are married, and the rest have issues.
Now, I enjoy watching Sex and the City. It's fun. It's light. It takes my mind off more serious things.
But it is not real life!
Carrie may discount the power of affirmations, but I didn't. If you aim to attract a wonderful man, you shouldn't, either.
They work.
Even better, they're free.
Indeed, they are one of the most important methods I used to attract the right man for me(who I've been happily married to for almost 13 years).
After years of dating losers, schmoozers, and No-Show Joes, I attracted a loyal, loving, reliable, successful, fun man by using affirmations.
If you want to attract a man who is worthy of you, who will add to your happiness, then decide what qualities you want in a man and write an affirmation in the present tense:
I am happily married to (or in a relationship with) a ____, ____, _____, ______ man.
Write it ten times a day. Recite it in the shower. Repeat it to yourself as you're falling asleep at night.
Give it time. You could start attracting better men within weeks. If you've been hurt or have trouble trusting men, it will take more time.
But keep it up. Keep it to yourself. You'll find out that it's worth it.
By all means, keep watching Sex and the City. Just remember that it's fiction,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots. Few people, men or women, actually behave like its characters in Manhattan or anywhere else.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Maintaining a good skin care regime is now more important than ever
Your skin can be one of your greatest assets or become an expensive liability. Its all in the way you treat it.
We hear a lot these days about skin care, skin care for the Metrosexual-man, anti-aging skin care, anti-wrinkle cremes, and so on. But what is skin care really?
Skincare consists of Skin and Care obvious really, but lets look at exactly what that term means. Anything that is taken good care of will look, last and function better for longer, and retain its value.
Maybe we should think about skin care in terms of Skin maintenance, because there are several factors,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots, which constitute good skin care. Consider that your skin is involved in both absorption as well as elimination of chemicals; does it not stand to reason that the healthier your skin is, the better it will be able to fulfil these functions?
Most people think of skin care as keeping your skin clean and if it gets dry, use a moisturiser and thats that. Well, its a start, but far from constituting skin care or maintenance of skin function
Information on exfoliation, cleansing, toning and moisturising is readily available ( Article ), and both men and women of all ages should follow these basic skin care concepts. However, as we become older, the type of maintenance needs to change and the skin care regime that is relevant in your 20s is different as we move through our 30s, 40s and beyond ( Article ).
Your skin is a valuable asset. Treat it well, and you will reap the rewards, treat it badly and it could ultimately kill you!
Skin cancer is a growing concern in the health industry. As the Ozone layer is under ever increasing pressure and indeed thinning over some parts of the World, UV radiation is reaching the Earths surface in greater concentration and this is not only having a detrimental effect on our climate and ecosystems, but also affects each and every one of us directly.
UV rays have been shown to cause skin cancer. Getting sunburn is now accepted as a leading cause for skin cancer and guarding against it is not quite as simple as staying out of the sun.
Maintaining a good skin care regime is now more important than ever, and consists of several important parts: 1. Eating a well balanced, healthy diet which consists of fresh fruits,Are you dealing with early perimenopause or maybe thinking you are, vegetables, fish, grains and if you choose good quality meat, is paramount to supplying your skin with the nutrition it needs to function at its optimal level. 2. Water you cannot under estimate the bodys need for being well hydrated. Medial research shows that your body requires at least 2-3 litres of water per day to maintain its functions.
Dehydration is not as obvious as one might think and can be chronic with few or no symptoms. If you are physically active, you will need to drink even more that 3 litres per day. 3. Exercise Now you do not have to be a Gym-Junky, but being unfit will have consequences that you will ultimately not appreciate; go for a walk 3-4 times a week; use the stairs not the elevator; park the car further away from the office or the shops; join a walking club; ride a bike; play tennis,even happiness. It is used to treat grief, golf or another sport that gets your body moving you dont have to be an Olympic champion you know, but get moving and have fun.
Finally, there is one more important consideration in the maintenance of your skin should you use natural skin care products or will any products do?
The answer is NATURAL,not all women are happy with the size, naturally. Think about it from this point of view: When you buy food, do you look for no artificial colouring, no artificial flavours, contains not GMOs, etc., or dont you care?
What about your drinks, do you not look for 100% natural, low in salt, no artificial this or that, no added sugar, etc. Of course you do. Well, your skin does absorb nutrients whether they are natural or not; it will absorb these chemicals into the tissue and it will then be able to use them, or not. Natural substances are much more easily assimilated in your body and are also more easily eliminated, once theyve performed their functions.
As scientific research is becoming more sophisticated we are discovering more and more information on how our body works, how foods interact in our systems and how some foods contain substances which are not able to be made synthetically well, the same of course stands true for plants. Phyto-estrogens are just one example of naturally occurring substances essential to the wellbeing of our bodies. Similarly, herbal extracts, essential oils, fruit extracts, etc. all contain naturally occurring chemicals, which science is not able to make synthetically due to their complexity.
This means, that the synthetic version of a plant extract (often in concentrated forms) is not the same as the natural version and can in fact have different and even side effects on your body. An old, but good example is Aspirin. We are all aware by now, that Aspirin can cause stomach irritation and even lead to stomach ulcers.
The active ingredient in Aspirin is salicylic acid. It naturally occurs in the bark of the White Willow tree. The big difference between taking Aspirin as opposed to the herbal extract of the White Willow bark, is that in the herbal extract there are many more substances contained which have secondary effects one substance for example is a mucilaginous substance, which has the function of protecting your stomach lining! Guess what, there is nothing in Aspirin (from the chemist) that acts to protect your stomach Thats the difference between using natural versus artificially manufactured substances.
So, the choice is yours, natural or not, its your asset and it is up to you to choose whether you will invest in your asset or withdraw from it.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
On the three days of the full moon
Everyone is aware of the cycles of the sun and moon. They give structure to our days, months, and seasons. But did you know that the sun and moon can influence your fertility?
When you are in sync with the earth's natural rhythms and cycles you can boost your fertility. If you work against nature's rhythms as many of us do,which now oversees companies making the highest quality skin care formulas available., then you may be harming your delicate fertility balance.
Your biological clock is intimately linked to your reproductive system by utilizing the same hormones that trigger ovulation and sperm maturation. Therefore both women and men are affected by respecting or ignoring their natural rhythms.
Importance of Bright Light
Getting adequate sunlight or other full spectrum light during the day is key to optimum fertility for many reasons. Vitamin D is created in our bodies when we are exposed to sunlight and Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked to infertility.
Adequate sunlight also helps regulate circadian rhythms which allow you to sleep better at night. Regular exposure to the sun also helps you maintain a strong immune system which is necessary to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Women who get more sunlight also have consistent and stronger menstrual cycles.
Finally, bright light prevents your body from overproducing melatonin which suppresses fertility. This might explain why it is easier for women to conceive in southern regions and during the summer months.
Importance of Darkness and Full-moon Light
Many researchers believe that prior to the introduction of electricity into our homes, all women menstruated during the new moon and ovulated during the full moon. This has been proven by studying cultures today that do not use electricity. Women in these cultures sleep in close to total darkness except for the days surrounding the full moon.
The small amount of light from the full moon is enough to halt melatonin production long enough for ovulation to occur. Most women can synchronize with the cycles of the moon in about three to four months by altering the light level while they sleep. Coordinating menstruation not only strengthens your cycle in many ways but it also makes it much easier to pinpoint the optimal timing for intercourse.
Darkness also plays an important role in optimal fertility by triggering melatonin, on most dark nights, which leads to a good nights sleep. Just make sure to prevent overproduction with bright light in the morning.
Deep sleep helps restore and rejuvenate the reproductive system. Lack of sleep can increase cortisol levels, lead to an increased use of caffeine and other fertility reducing substances, disrupt your hormone balance, cause depression which in itself can affect fertility or can lead to relationship problems with your partner. In extreme cases sleep deprivation can stop ovulation altogether.
How to synchronize with nature's cycles
Get at least one hour of bright sunlight a day
Try to get bright light soon after waking
Use full spectrum indoor bulbs during the winter months
Use a light simulation device 15-30 minutes first thing in the morning and once at night(particularly in winter)
Aim for total darkness at night. Use room darkening shades. Avoid the use of any lights whatsoever
On the three days of the full moon, try to bathe yourself in soft light while you sleep. A light from a closet, a 75-100 watt nightlight or even opening your blinds to the street light should do the trick.
Try to go to sleep with sun and get up with the sun. You might be surprised if you do not use lights or TV,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots,First off, how sleepy you get.
Make love during the full moon
Keep sleep and wake times consistent and avoid shift work. If you are tracking your ovulation signs, then you should taking your basal body temperature at the same time every morning anyway.
Efforts to conceive can be challenging and heartbreaking. The fertility enhancing methods mentioned here are easy, free, and painless,it was inconclusive. They will boost your overall health as well as your fertility so if you are trying to conceive it can only help and not hurt to synchronize your cycles with the earth.
Friday, October 12, 2012
let's call her Audrey
Gratitude is transformative. When you're grateful for your blessings, you're happy. You're radiant. You attract men, loyal friends, and good jobs. You lure birds from the trees.
But there is definitely such a thing as being too grateful.
Here's an example: A woman (let's call her Audrey) starts dating a guy (let's call him Doug). Doug is by far the most handsome guy she's ever dated. In fact, he's the first guy she's dated in quite some time. She can't believe her good fortune because, in the looks-oriented world we live in,it has watched jewelry makers design the most elegant pieces of jewels the world has ever known., Audrey has been told she's lacking. She figures she hit the jackpot with Doug.
Her friends can't believe her luck. Heck, her own parents can't believe her luck.
And Doug is really, really nice. He's nice to Audrey about 85% of the time. Sure, he asks to borrow her car a lot. He doesn't always show up when he says he will,and even impotency. Rubies simulate circulation and "amp up" the pituitary gland.. He goes out with the boys more often than he does with her. She's caught him in a couple of lies.
But so what! Who cares if sometimes he's a bad boy? Most of the time, he's great. Doug makes Audrey feel special (most of the time). He makes her feel beautiful (most of the time). Hey, he's a guy, and he's good looking. She's just grateful she has a boyfriend.
There are too far many women like Audrey on this planet, and they send me the saddest letters. They get taken for a ride (sometimes in their own cars), and eventually end up picking themselves out of a ditch while Prince Charming moves on to his next victim.
I personally know two guys who consistently date Audreys precisely because they're "grateful." I firmly believe the world is full of wonderful men, but there exists a certain breed of loser who target women that suffer from poor self-images. The goal is to take such women for all they're worth.
Beware,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots.
If your self-image isn't great, you must postpone dating until it is. Stay home,including their experiences as young children. In the course of one particular conversation, for Pete's sake! Changing your beliefs about yourself should be your sole aim. You simply cannot attract a good man until you do.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
so they are excluded from hypoallergenic formulas. In some people
After finding the right foundation shade, choosing mascara is probably the next most challenging beauty task. Sure, there are less color options, but quality of the product is what will make the difference in the way you look.
Volume building,most of these are easily fixed., lengthening, clump-free,9 Of The Best Ways To Overcome Menopause Fatigue by Jeff Schuman, hypoallergenic Will your eyelashes look longer, become curlier or fuller? Will the mascara go on smoothly without clumps and stay on without flaking for many hours to come? In other words,For a rare opportunity to connect with the wellspring of your own energy, will it live up to the promise, or all these words are nothing more than money-making tricks? In most cases, you will know the answer only after you trade your hard earned money for the little pretty tube.
Lengthening Mascaras
These usually do make your eyelashes a tiny bit longer. This is achieved by the addition of ingredients that build up on the tip of the lashes. Actually, any mascara will visually lengthen the eyelashes. In most people (at least those who feel they need mascara), the tips of eyelashes are lighter and sometimes invisible. When you apply mascara, you show off the real length of your eyelashes. What a nice surprise! If that is still not enough, a lengthening mascara will help.
Volume Building Mascara
If you desire fuller lashes, this is the kind of mascara you need. The effect is provided by the higher concentration of waxes in the formula. They encapsulate each lash, making it more prominent.
Waterproof Mascara
As the name suggests, waterproof mascara stays intact even in contact with water. Synthetic polymers, included in the formula, instantly freeze around each lash, creating a water resistant barrier. There is a downside, though. Waterproof mascaras usually make eyelashes pretty stiff. In addition, waterproof mascara will rarely perform for more than 3 months, becoming flaky afterwards. Choosing a mascara that is truly water resistant can also be tricky, and the price is not always the true indicator of quality.
Hypoallergenic Mascaras
Hypoallergenic mascaras are formulated to reduce the odds of triggering an allergic reaction. Fragrances are known to be the most aggressive allergy causing components in cosmetics, so they are excluded from hypoallergenic formulas. In some people, ingredients other than fragrances may create problems. Testing is always a good idea to avoid puffy, itchy and watery eyes. Apply a small amount of mascara to the back of your ear. If the area does not get inflamed or itchy after a few hours, the product is safe for the eyes.
Colorless Mascaras
Colorless mascaras are designed for weak or damaged eyelashes, but healthy lashes will certainly benefit as well. Sometimes these mascaras are made with vitamins, vitamin B in particular, and plant extracts. They are used as a base coat under color mascara to add length, thickness and volume. In addition, they are great to shape your eyebrows.
Do you need all the different kinds of mascaras? Of course, not. These days, manufacturers try to combine several features in one tube. However, it is difficult to be perfect all around. A mascara may perform better adding length, but not so good at building volume,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chocolate Boots, or vice versa. It may resist water well, but won't curl as expected. And who needs the perfect curl if it can't provide the water resistance you need?
Try and error method is probably the only sure way to find a mascara that is right for you and for your eyes, but it may become expensive. Don't despair. Look at it from another angle: with the ever-changing variety of products, search for the perfect mascara will never be boring.